Maurice Carlos Ruffin Introduces Kristina Kay Robinson, Emilie Staat Strong, and Ran Walker
I met Emilie Staat Strong in a coffee shop around 2008. I was writing a short story, and she noticed the stack of craft books on my table. “You’re a writer,” she said. I said I was, and she said she was too.
Corey Van Landingham
Spectral FeelingsScope and Scale in Three New Books Foreign Bodies, by Kimiko Hahn. W.W. Norton & Co., 109 pp., $26.95. The Book of Jane, by Jennifer Habel. University of … Read the rest
Leslie Sainz
What Breaks ThroughFour Collections on Awe A Common Name for Everything, by Sarah Wolfson. Green Writers Press, 80 pp., $14.95. Stray Harbor, by Rage Hezekiah. Finishing Line Press, 71 pp., … Read the rest
Christian Detisch
American ElegiesSummer Snow, by Robert Hass. Ecco, 192 pp., $16.99. American Faith, by Maya C. Popa. Sarabande Books, 96 pp., $15.95. In the Lateness of the World, by … Read the rest
From the Editor: May 2021
As my ten years as editor of West Branch draw to a close, I’m thinking much about the gatekeeping role of any editor. This gatekeeping quality is irreducible: the power to choose which voices to present, which voices to decline.
West Branch 95, Winter 2021: Digital Issue
Cover Art: The Continuity of Surfaces (Four Things That Will Not Come Back), by Justyn Hegreberg (2019), mixed media on paper, 9.5″ x 7″ Poetry Selections by Sabrina Orah … Read the rest
West Branch 95, Winter 2021
In This Print Issue: Allison Field Bell, Oliver Baez Bendorf, Jordan Charlton, M.A. Cowgill, Knar Gavin, Ross Gay, Melissa Ginsburg, Amy Gustine, Joe Gutierrez, Justyn Hegreberg, Philip Metres, Jenny Molberg, … Read the rest
Naomi Kanakia
The Anti-Fascist“These days, all stories need to be adventure stories.”