Kylan Rice
Lyric Concord: On Political PoetryThe Sound of Listening: Poetry as Refuge and Resistance, by Philip Metres. University of Michigan Press, 216 pp., $29.95. Someone Shot My Book, by Julie Carr. University of Michigan … Read the rest
Introduction by Aracelis Girmay
Audre Lorde. Sandra María Esteves. Lucille Clifton. Mariposa. Harryette Mullen. Suheir Hammad. These are some of the poets I see Urantia Ramirez and Shaina Jones walking beside and after. And of course the countless poets in their lines whose names I do and do not know: to them I throw my flowers and give thanks.
An Interview with Hugh Sheehy
Hugh Sheehy is the author of The Invisibles (University of Georgia Press), winner of the 2012 Flannery O’Connor Award. His fiction has appeared widely, most recently in Story, West Branch, and Five Points. He lives in Beacon, New York and teaches at Ramapo College of New Jersey, where he is Associate Professor of Creative Writing…
West Branch 93, Spring/Summer 2020: Digital Issue
Cover Art: Anita (Rosenwald) (2018), by Chiffon Thomas, metal screen mesh, embroidery floss, and patent leather, 16” x 14” x 2” (40.6 x 35.6 x 5.1 cm) Poetry Intro… Read the rest
West Branch 93, Spring/Summer 2020
George Abraham, Avraham Chalfi, Jeremy Michael Clark, Atar Hadari, Lauren Hilger. Janis Hubschman, Ted Kooser, Farah Marklevits, Elizabeth Powell, Kylan Rice, Cintia Santana, Marvin Shackelford, Samyak Shertok, Alix Anne Shaw, … Read the rest
Carolyn Zaikowski
The WaterCarolyn Zaikowski is the author of the novels In a Dream, I Dance by Myself, and I Collapse (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2016) and A Child Is Being Killed (Aqueous Books, 2013.) Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared widely, in such publications as Washington Post, Denver Quarterly, The Rumpus, PANK, DIAGRAM, Huffington Post, and Everyday…
Kathryn Nuernberger
The Poetics (and Politics) of SpellsAscend, Ascend, by Janaka Stucky. Third Man Books, 88 pp., $17.95A Sand Book, by Ariana Reines. Tin House Books, 323 pp., $24.95Without Protection, by Gala … Read the rest
Hasan Alizadeh
Translated by Rebecca Ruth Gould & Kayvan Tahmasebian Old Testament, New Testament Perhaps in Isfahan or another city like Isfahan a woman— the most beautiful woman in the world— a … Read the rest
An Interview with Claire Wahmanholm
Claire Wahmanholm is the author of Night Vision (winner of the 2017 New Michigan Press/DIAGRAM chapbook contest), Wilder (winner of the 2018 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry, and the 2018 Society of Midland Authors Award for Poetry) and Redmouth (Tinderbox Editions 2019).
Andrés Reconco
La CreelMy mother was obsessed with soap operas and pan dulce. One day, after my photo shoot, I went to a panadería she likes. It’s a Cuban place with little sweet … Read the rest