Corey Van Landingham
Stepping onto the Stage: Ambition and Risk in Three DebutsAll Heathens, by Marianne Chan. Sarabande Books, 74 pp., $15.95.Field Music, by Alexandria Hall. Ecco, 77 pp., $16.99.Bodega, by Su Hwang. Milkweed Editions, 94 … Read the rest
Guest Editor Tomás Q. Morín: A Special Feature
“When West Branch invited me to be a guest editor, I told Josh I wanted the story if it was still free. This time, to my absolute delight, it was.”
Patrick Thomas Henry
Seven Flock the Transom: From the Wire ReportsOn the morning that Chet Alpine publishes his list “Six Surprising Birds That Will Fuck You Up,” the editors of TrendWire email us about an impending financial crisis. “As you … Read the rest
Jeanne Larsen
Shadows Rippling on Bodhisattva Run 2 hundred thousand souls all still in a rush downstream from Hiroshima. Over the gorge, 5 bats wheel like the ones carved in a temple … Read the rest
Julie Marie Wade
Largest mammal on Earth … Surely the man at the circus must have mentioned it as he lifted us into the howdah one by one. I was front rider in … Read the rest
Jehanne Dubrow
You Must StumbleThe memorials are made of concrete and covered in brass. Each one is the size and shape of a small cobblestone, measuring 96 by 96 millimeters. They’re called stolpersteine in … Read the rest
West Branch 97, Fall 2021: Digital Issue
Cover Art: Cleaning, by Sumire Skye Taniai (2019); graphite, acrylic gouache, colored pencil on yupo paper. Guest Editor Joy Priest: A Special Feature Introduction by Guest Editor Joy Priest… Read the rest
Guest Editor Joy Priest: A Special Feature
“I asked a few poets from these spaces to send me work and this folio is the result of that request. As I read what they sent me, a theme emerged. Each poem that reached out toward me was a site of longing.”
Gabriella R. Tallmadge
alberto I didn’t know him more than once, won’t purse my lips to say you. So I’ll say what I did when I showered him with my breasts, when … Read the rest
Christian Detisch
Private Poems, Public Language; Public Poems, Private LanguageA Better Place Is Hard To Find, by Aaron Fagan. The Song Cave 84 pp., $17.95 Un-American, by Hafizah Geter, Wesleyan University Press, 104 pp., $10.78. Blizzard, by … Read the rest