Review by Will Schutt
The Stuff of Legend: On D. Nurkse, Sina Queyras, and Nicole SealeyWill Schutt is the author of Westerly (Yale University Press, 2013) and translator of My Life, I Lapped It Up: Selected Poems of Edoardo Sanguineti (Oberlin College Press, fall 2018).
Review by Kylan Rice
The lateral radical: On Jorie GrahamKylan Rice has an MFA from Colorado State University, and he is working on his PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Some of his poems can be found at Kenyon Review, The Seattle Review, and elsewhere. His book reviews have been published by Colorado Review, West Branch, Carolina Quarterly and the…
Marginalia: Recommendations from our Editors
Our Winter 2018 Recommendations.
Review by Raena Shirali
Dull Jewels Reburied: Poetry of Place in Four Debuts by WomenRaena Shirali is the author of GILT (YesYes Books, 2017). Her honors include a Puschart Prize, a Philip Roth Residency at Bucknell University, a Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, a Cosmonauts Avenue Poetry Prize, and a “Discovery”/Boston Review Prize.
Split the Lark: Shara Lessley on Contemporary Poets
Shara Lessley, a contributing editor, is the author of Two-Headed Nightingale and The Explosive Expert’s Wife. With Bruce Snider, she is the co-editor of The Poem’s Country, an anthology of essays on place and poetic practice. She lives in Oxford, England.
Essay: Something to Talk About: A Case for Negative Poetry Reviews
Corey Van Landingham, a contributing editor, is the author of Antidote and the recipient of a 2017 National Endowment fellowship. A former Wallace Stegner fellow, she is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Cincinnati, and a book review editor for Kenyon Review.